Tuesday, May 02, 2006


a Bomb threat
will inevitably come as a shock.
If you receive one [Don’t let on!]
Keep the caller talking;
Ask him [or
her!] when the bomb will explode; Where it is;
What it looks like;
And what will c a u s e it to explode;
Ask the caller
their name; And how old they are;
Take particular notice
of their accent: Israeli-German, Spanish-Russian;
And to their tone: Angry. Drunk.
Calm. Excited; If you happen to know
who they are . don’t . let . on
Don’t blurt-out: "Hey! That you? Bob!"
..jus’ keep ‘em talking; Listen to
background noise: a train whistle could be a vital clue!
When the caller
has finished: DON’T HANG UP!
Keep calm; And write in clear legible
script: WE’RE GOING TO BE BOMBED!!!!!!!!!!!
and then hand it to
your Supervisor [:He’ll know
what to do]; If the ORDER to evacuate, is not given
open all the doors and windows [to lessen
the effect on property damage] and go back
to your desk, and keep



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